Your Heart Chakra, is the sacred bridge that unites the physical world with the spirit world. This chakra helps you to feel love, connection and compassion. There are many ways that you can care for your heart chakra (like affirmations or meditation). Today, lets focus on aromatherapy. Here are 15 of the best essential oils for your heart chakra. To balance, heal and open up your heart energy.

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The Best 15 Heart Chakra Essential Oils At A GlanceUse these 15 beautiful essential oils for the Heart Chakra to open, heal, and balance your heart charka energy. Feel more joy, loving and connected. We've also included a quick heart chakra guide with 10 ways and tips to open your heart charka, including yoga poses, crystals and stones for the heart chakra.

  1. Rose Essential Oil

  2. Neroli Essential Oil

  3. Mandarin Essential Oil

  4. Melissa Essential Oil

  5. Sandalwood Essential Oil

  6. Cedarwood Essential Oil

  7. Jasmine Essential Oil

  8. Chamomile Essential Oil

  9. Bergamot Essential Oil

  10. Marjoram Essential Oil

  11. Helichrysum Essential Oil

  12. Lemon Essential Oil

  13. Yarrow Essential Oil

  14. Lavender Essential Oil

  15. Loving Compassion (Heart Chakra) Essential Oil

Using Essential Oils For Balancing The Heart Chakra

Aromatic plant essential oils have been studied extensively, and can have a profound influence on the mind, body, and spirit. Using specific oils to balance your 4th energy center, will help to clear out old stuck energy and restore harmonious flow.

So you can experience deeper feelings of love, compassion and joy.

Signs Of A Balanced Heart Chakra

  • You’re able to easily give and receive love.
  • Your feel a deeper sense of gratitude, patience and contentment.
  • You have a strong sense of caring, empathy and compassion for others and yourself.
  • You’re able to easily exude happiness and joy.
  • You can easily receive support from others.
  • The ability to prioritize your needs and set clear boundaries with others.
  • For you forgiving comes easy. And you easily let go of past hurts and grudges.

Symptoms of a Imbalanced Heart Chakra

You May Feel…

  • Depressed, withdrawn or shut down.
  • Lacking empathy for yourself or others.
  • Unforgiving of yourself or others.
  • Jealous, suspicious or controlling behaviour.
  • Judgemental and overly critical of yourself and / or others
  • Unable to give or receive unconditional love to your self or to other people in your life. 
  • Excessive Loneliness haunts you.
  • Loss of a sense of identity.
  • Like you are constantly people pleasing. Or end up in co-dependent relationships. Unable to set personal boundaries or “over-give” at your own personal expense.

15 Beautiful Essential Oils for Balancing the Heart Chakra

1. Rose Essential Oil

When we first think of the rose romance and love come right to mind. With its connection to being a symbol of love, it’s no wonder that rose essential oil is wonderful for harmonizing the heart chakra.

Rose oil is considered one of the most spiritually valuable oils with one of the  highest vibrational frequencies. When used to balance the heart chakra, it can help to clear negative energy and promote love. As well as improve positive connection and unconditional love.

Rose awakens our capacity for self-love, self-compassion and self-nurturing. Which can be especially helpful when try to heal old emotional wounds.

Rose oil can also help to lift depression and support you during times of emotional distress and anxiety.

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2. Neroli Essential Oil

When used as a heart chakra oil, Neroli is perfect for harmonizing and opening your energetic flow. As well as calming to the mind and balancing. This oil supports in regulating the  emotions and strengthing the spirit.

Neroli oil is derived from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree. And contains strong hypnotic and sedative properties. It’s actually considered a natural tranquilizer and regulator of the nervous system. Which can be used to calm anxiety and induce a peaceful night’s sleep.

This beautifully scented oil is also excellent for healing the heart after trauma, depression or during an emotional crisis.

Consider it comforting, as it encourages your sense of confidence, joy and peace.

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3. Mandarin Essential Oil

The essential oil of the mandarin is sweet, calming and joyful to the spirit. This is a wonderful oil to use to heal from a break up. Or anytime that you are feeling a sense of disconnection or stressed and heavy hearted. 

Mandarin has been found to be a powerful sedative and has anti-anxiety properties that calm the mind and the body. Its calming effects help to reduce anxious thoughts and stress, while helping to fight depression.

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4. Melissa Essential Oil

Also known as lemon balm oil, and the “Elixir of Life”. This oil has a delicate, grassy and sweet lemon fragrance, often described it as the “essence of spring.” With hypnotic and calming properties it helps to calm the nervous system. Which also makes it a great choice for sleep problems. And can be used to support those who suffer from insomnia.

When used as a heart chakra oil, Melissa is very good for balancing s the flow and energy of the body, mind and emotions. Use to soothe a broken heart and encourage a deeper sense of well being and self love.

Use Melissa essential oil to inspire joyfulness, harmony, warmth and inner peace.

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5. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood oil is sweet and spicy and is helpful for releasing anxiety, healing, grounding and breaking down illusions.  Use to cultivating a sense of inner peace and higher spiritual awareness.

Great for using as a heart opener. Sandalwood, also helps to give insights to your blocks and align you with your most authentic self. Ultimately, restoring your flow of giving and receiving unconditional love

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6. Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood essential oil aims to alleviate feelings of emotional heaviness and depression and has been used for thousands of years for calming effects. Its also excellent for clearing negativity and grounding you in positive energies, that are inspired and creative.

The aroma of this woodsy scented oil, is anti-inflammatory, and has sedative effect that helps to regulate and stabilizes sleep patterns.

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7. Jasmine Essential Oil

Jasmine is sweet, floral and warm. Jasmine helps to open the heart chakra by releasing negative energies and restoring the flow of joyful and uplifting energy. It’s a great oil when you need to let go of past hurts or to feel more love and compassion after heartbreak.

Jasmine oil has natural sedative properties which can increase GABA activity in your brain and regulate the feelings of stress, anxiety and worrisome thoughts. Another oil that is great to use in a chakra meditation. As it offers a strong sense of awareness ,while helping  you to be completely relaxed without feeling drowsy.

Perfect for connection, awareness and the presence.

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8. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile is a very gentle oil and has a warm sweet, almost apple like scent. Roman Chamomile is one of the most widely studied oils, and has been used in plant therapy for centuries. Its especially well known for its soothing and sedative properties.

Chamomile decreases overthinking and worry so you can open up your heart and release the past. Use to calm anxieties and restore balance. In addition to inner peace and harmony to your heart chakra.  A natural mood booster, this oil promotes happiness and positivity energy.

Roman Chamomile blends well with Bergamot, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, and Ylang-Ylang.

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9. Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot has a spicy and slightly sweet smell and can help to open up the heart chakra by releasing feelings of overwhelm and stress. Bergamot, has been proven to assist in the lowering of cortisol levels.

Useful for boosting confidence, fighting fatigue while promoting positivity and lifting a negative mood.  This essential oil is extremely versatile. Its so popular, that you can find in on the ingredient list in many different aromatherapy blends.

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10. Marjoram Essential Oil

We often think of Marjoram has a cooking herb, but it also been seen as a symbol of love since ancient times.  In Roman mythology, the goddess of love, Venus was said to have brought marjoram to earth as a reminder of her beauty. Both ancient Greeks and Romans used Marjoram to adorn bridal crowns in the wedding ceremony.

Marjoram can reduce cortisol levels associated with stress and promote relaxation. It’s harmonizing properties are helpful in opening the heart to experience a greater sense of self-love, inner peace and compassion.

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11. Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum, is also known as Everlasting Immortelle, and is a essential oil superstar! This oil is restorative, grounding, calming and eases symptoms of depression, fear, and panic.

It also helps to aides in softening a hardened heart. So you can experience a greater sense of compassion, forgiveness and healing.

Helichrysum mixes well lavender, frankincense and myrrh.

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12. Lemon Essential Oil

Sweet, citrusy and stimulating! Though lemon essential oil is sometimes overlooked, it’s been used in aromatherapy for many years. It can help to cut through confusion and bring clarity and focus to a busy cluttered mind.

Studies have shown that lemon balances the Dopamine and Serotonin neurotransmitter systems. Which is great for helping to decrease feelings of stress and calm anxieties.

For a blocked heart chakra, lemon oil aides in overcoming feelings of bitterness. And can be highly uplifting to the spirit. As well as supporting and increased sense of self awareness. Ultimately, restoring one’s sense of self love and self nurturing.

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13. Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow essential oil is woody with floral undertones and is known for its vibrant blue color. Yarrow has relaxing properties that can calm any worries that keep you at night.

For the heart chakra, use yarrow oil to unite the mind and spirit and open the flow of the heart energies. And is useful in boosting intuition and self introspection. Yarrow’s grounding effects help to bring balance, stability and aid in the releasing of any old wounds that need healing.

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14. Lavender as a Heart Chakra Essential Oil

Lavender is an incredible versatile essential oil. As well as, one of the most popular and useful oils to have in your essential oil tool kit. When used as chakra balancing oil, Lavender helps to bring a sense of expanded awareness and perspective.

This oil is excellent for releasing fear and disconnection. And aides in restoring balance and inner peace throughout the body. Another oil that has been widely studied for it calming effects.

Essentially Lavender is the perfect essential oil to reach for, anytime you’re going tough times, emotional distress or worry.

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15. Loving Compassion (Heart Chakra) Essential Oil

The final oil on our list is a blend from plant therapy that is both comforting and calming to the heart chakra. With an aim to create a synergy to ease past wounds and support your spirit.

While working to calm and clear blocks. As well as uplift the heart centre, calling in love and compassion. This oil for the Heart Charka, invites in a joyful sense of connection.  In addition to, creating a sense of deeper of self-love and self-acceptance.

This blend contains essential oils of Pink Grapefruit, Rhododendron, Bergamot, and Rose Otto.

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10 Ways To Balance and Heal Your Heart Chakra

Besides using aromatherapy there are several other things you can do to open, balance and support your heart chakra.

1. Practice Self-love, Self-Nurturing and Self Compassion

2. Practice Gratitude

  • Start a gratitude journal. Gratitude is one of those things that you always hear is a good thing to do yet, many people find themselves dropping the habit shortly after picking it up. 
  • Gratitude has been studied extensively and has many benefits including helping to release toxic emotions that block us from connecting with truth and love.
  • Don’t overthink your gratitude practice, even being thankful for the little things like fresh sheets or the smell of your morning coffee can make a big difference in shifting your emotions..  

3. Try Colour Therapy

  • Green is the traditional color associated with the fourth chakra, however pink can also be used to heal and open this energy center.
    • Get out and connect with nature – sit under a tree, lay in the grass, breathe in the fresh air.
    • Wear pink or green clothing.
    • Eat healthy green foods like green smoothies, wheat grass juice, or green leafy vegetables like Kale and Watercress.


4. Start A Meditation Practice

  • A focused chakra meditation can be very helpful in restoring balance and harmony to your energy centers. In particular the loving kindness meditation, helps to open up the heart and cultivating the four qualities of love: friendliness (Metta), compassion (Karuna), appreciative joy (Mudita), and equanimity (Upekkha) for ourselves and others.
    • This is a foundational practice that the more you do it, the more connected and joyful you will feel. Metta has been been studied over the years and has been found to have many proven benefits.
  • Do a simple visualization / self guided meditation:
    • Put your hand on your heart, and imagine a beautiful wheel of light spinning around clockwise.
    • See is clearing and cleansing, expanding, getting brighter and brighter.
    • Feel the love growing and imagine the love expanding outward through your entire being.
  • Try a Guided Chakra Healing Meditation – See our list of the 10 best here.
  • Meditating in the morning is a wonderful habit to develop if you want to feel happier and full of energy, read all about the amazing benefits of meditating in the morning in our best tips in our post here.

5. Try Crystal Healing

6. Practice Forgiveness

  • Being unable to forgive is one symptom of a blocked heart chakra.
    • Practice the art of letting go and clear any past hurts, anger and regrets. Letting go doesn’t make what happened ok. It just means you are no longer making your past your future.
  • Read a book on forgiveness – Radical Forgiveness by  Colin Tipping or one of my all time favourites is Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. (who also made our list of the all time best self help books on personal growth and development) Where he talks a lot about our emotional addictions to the past and gives advice to help overcome them. You can Find them on Amazon here and here
  • Do a forgiveness ritual – I give this simple one to many of my love coaching clients. To begin:
    • Write down the event that you want to let go of on a piece of paper. Include as many details as you can, for example why you’re angry, upset or sad.
    • What you wished would’ve happened, what you learned and how you are now willing to let the past go.
    • Then, give yourself time to meditate on what you have written. Allow yourself to fell all your emotions.
    • Finally, light a candle and burn the letter (in a fire proof bowl outside) or rip it up. Feel the past hurt drifting away. Feel yourself finally free. 

Heart Chakra Affirmations to raise your vibration, heal, balance and restore your heart chakra energy,

7. Use Positive Affirmations

Using positive affirmations are a way to release subconscious programming, old stuck energies and heal the past. Read more about affirmations for the heart chakra in our post here.  

Some good affirmations for the heart chakra are:

  • “I choose joy, compassion, and love.”
  • “I am willing to love life and let life love me.”
  • “I deeply, and completely, love and accept myself.”
  • “I am living in balance, with grace and ease.”
  • “I am open to love, and receive more of it every day.”

8. Heart Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga is a wonderful tool to open, balance and restore the harmonious flow of energy to your heart chakra. The best yoga poses for the heart chakra focus on opening the chest and then drawing new energy into the heart center.

Heart openers include eagle, camel, wheel and cobra. 

9. Let Your Heart Be Light

Engage in the energy of play! Let yourself be light-hearted and joyful. Find a reason to smile, laugh or be silly every day. Sometimes laughter really can be the best medicine.

10. Be The Love!

  • Be the energy of love! Set an intention to make giving and receiving unconditional love to yourself and to others a regular practice.
  • Practice compassion and volunteer to help others.

Additional Resources

1. Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques: Compassionate Healing with Essential Oils by Joni Keim Loughran and Ruah Bull

Authors Joni Loughran and Rauh Bulls introduce beginners to the concepts of two forms of healing – Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques. How to use them to heal, and promote a sense of wholeness and well being.

Includes a comprehensive reference section that lists the properties of many essential oils. Basic subtle energy techniques including an understanding of the chakra system in combination with essential oils. 

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2. Aromatherapy for the Soul: Healing the Spirit with Fragrance and Essential Oils by Valerie Ann Worwood

Written by renowned aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood Aromatherapy for the Soul is helpful for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of fragrance and spirituality.

Filled with insights from spiritual teaches, modern mystics and pioneering scientific studies. Providing extensive guidelines and detailing how fragrance can be used in many spiritual practices.

Includes charts, exercises, and formulas that demonstrate the use of aromatherapy in healing, prayer, meditation and in conjunction with vibrational and energetic healing.

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3. The Ultimate Guide to Chakras by Athena Perrakis

Athena Perrakis is an author and leading metaphysical teacher. In her Ultimate Guide to the Charkas she teaches beginners how to tap into the power of your chakras, so you can live a healthy, balanced, and more abundant life.

Includes magical exercises for each chakra, meditations, journal exercises, and working with goddesses and spirit guides.

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Resources For Safe Use of Essential Oils

Its important to note that some oils do come with certain restrictions and warnings of who should and should not use them. If you’re interested in trying essential oils, consider purchasing essential oils with the following guidelines. And use oils that are:

At The End of The Day…

Using essential oils for the heart chakra is one way that you can nurture, balance and heal this important energy center. Use these wonderful oils anytime you want to get your heart energy flowing and feel more joyful. Supporting yourself with a stronger sense of love, compassion and connection to yourself and to others. Namaste! 

What To Read Next

20 Heart Chakra Affirmations (that will heal your heart)

Guided Chakra Healing meditation

47 Positive affirmations for happiness.

50 Best Spiritual Books Of All Time

We hope you love these 15 essential oils for heart chakra. Save this list for later on Pinterest!

Colourful flower Use these 15 beautiful essential oils for the Heart Chakra to open, heal, and balance your heart charka energy. Feel more joy, loving and connected. We've also included a quick heart chakra guide with 10 ways and tips to open your heart charka, including yoga poses, crystals and stones.

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